I’m writing some software to control the welly wanger, and am having to do some nasty ballistic calculations.
I’ve got some code that implements some of the equations, but not everything is straightforward. I need to determine a pair of variables (rpm and launch angle) from the desired distance – the competition is not just about throwing it as far as you can, but hitting targets, so being able to calculate desired parameters is vital. Of course, solving this way will not result in a single pair, but in multiple value pairs, so my initial guess is to fix the RPM as close as possible to the maximum, so we don’t have to control the motor directly, and just alter the release angle.
We do intend to have some form of PWM control of the motor driving the rotor, but I’m not sure how well the starter motor will react to rapid switching from the microcontroller.
The other issue that I have is solving for release angle, as the release angle determines the release height, as well as the trajectory, which confuses the issue somewhat, and is making my head hurt somewhat. I’m going to have to consult a proper mathematician to help me with the algebra.