Twitter Updates for 2011-03-29
- "At least the police didn't try and kettle half a million people" #
Twitter Updates for 2011-03-28
- Struggling with maths? Take a look at Khan Academy to catch up stuff you didn't quite understand first time: #
Twitter Updates for 2011-03-27
- RT @NewStatesman: What really happened in Trafalgar Square, by @pennyred #
Twitter Updates for 2011-03-24
- Happy Xth birthday to Apple Mac OS X #
- Hatfield Jaguar in Shrewbury, why tell me you're sending me the spare part on Monday, then wait for me to phone today to send it? You Fail! #
- Productive day today – arranged IY visits to most students I'm supervising and made good contact with RAF for 1st year weekend next year 🙂 #
- Long queue outside Dominos #
Twitter Updates for 2011-03-19
- Tired after a day of training volunteers at Corris Railway lots of fun. More training again tomorrow. #
Twitter Updates for 2011-03-17
- Now some time to catch up with "The boat that Guy built" – not very accurate cruising, but lurveley accent from Guy – love his "watter" #
- Comedy central just flashed this up for less than a second in an ad break. I like it. #
Twitter Updates for 2011-03-16
Twitter Updates for 2011-03-10
- Almost two hours of juggling tonight for the first time in ages. Taken its toll on my knees of all things. Bedtime now. #
- Biscuit day in the coffee room and there's a box of 36 tunnocks tea cakes that have to be eaten at @AberCompSci #
- Here's a photo of those Tunnocks tea cakes. They won't last long. #
Twitter Updates for 2011-03-09
- Gone juggling 🙂 #
- Reserve your username #