What I saw of FOSDEM this year was great, I didn’t see very much because I’m now on staff so have lots of responsibility during the weekend. I did manage to see some lightning talks whilst moderating the room though.
LibrePlan is pretty amazing for a piece of free software from what I can see – it’s a project management suite for a whole company which runs on the web.
PMD5 (catchy name) is a static code analysis tool, which can help keep on top of good practice and good coding style.
Wazaabi is a nice implementation of separating the parts of a UI from the rest of the program. It has an interctive editor that produces XML descriptions of the UI that then get loaded and generated at runtime.
David Fetter made some good points in Threat Modelling Revisited, but I’m not sure how much impact it can make on society – but we can at least adopt them at grass roots level and hope that they filter up.
Mike Sheldon gave an extremely good talk on gnu.fm and libre.fm
I was interested in the talk on Open Remote as I’m rather into home automation.
MuseScore looked very interesting from their stand, and although I didn’t see the talk, AudiVeris looks like it should work with it well.
Overall a great conference again, and I’m looking forward to the post-mortem for this one and the planning for next year already.
git.fm? Don’t you mean gnu.fm? You have git on the brain
Thanks Dafydd, I was very tired when I wrote that, only one slip up is pretty good.
On the other hand git.fm doesn’t sound like a bad idea….