- finished Spinward Fringe Broadcast 4: Frontline by Randolph Lalonde http://amzn.to/gaefmk #Kindle #
- finished Origins (Spinward Fringe) by Randolph Lalonde and gave it 5 stars http://amzn.to/elSH8z #Kindle #
- Made it to Bristol, had an interesting visit to Airbus at Filton, now relaxing with the in-laws 🙂 #
Twitter Updates for 2011-04-03
- Why is Google doodling about ice cream sundaes? http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-20050158-71.html #
Twitter Updates for 2011-04-02
- First public passenger trains of the season at http://www.corris.co.uk/ today. Running again tomorrow for Mothers day specials. #
Twitter Updates for 2011-04-01
- Interested in a Google Summer of Code #GSoC There's only a week left till the deadline http://bit.ly/fH7E3i #
- Transferring my Time Machine backup to new 2TB disk, says it's going to take another 8 hours, so I think I check it tomorrow. #